The new Flagship of the Sea Cadet Corps is finally in the water and will soon be rigged for sea trials.
She is expected to be in service by the start of the 2015 sailing season.
Well done to all those who worked hard to raise money towards her build and fitting out. BZ also to all those involved in her design, build and future service to the Sea Cadets of the UK.
Looking forward to seeing her around the country flying the flag for the Sea Cadets.

TheWinter Warmer night at Maidstone Sea Cadet unit was a great success. With an excellent and gripping talk from Malcom Brooks on Nelson and Trafalgar.

The Branch also used the opportunity to launch it's countywide appeal to raise £10000 towards the TS Royalist Replacement Appeal.

On the night they managed to clock up £940 to kick start the campaign.

Some of which was raised by David parmenter who brought along Two Olympic Torches. One for the main Olympiad and one for the Paralympiad. People paid £5 each to appal for the chance to have their photo taken with the torches.

Cadets and Staff from TS Scott were magnificent producing some excellent Pot Mess and fresh baked rolls for refreshments.

If you would like to know more about how you can donate or help the Royalist appeal contact us at or Tel: 07500 970822


Kent was well represented at the Lord Lieutenant of Kent's Award Evening 2012 with 5 members of the county Sea Cadet fraternity being honoured.

Those recieving Meritorious Cerificates were:

Uniformed Adult Volunteers, Lt Frances Wickenden (Sheppey)
Lt Sheila Watson (Ex Dover - now Faversham)
S/Lt Buck Buckingham

UMC Chair
Mrs Jo Rohan (Canterbury)

Recently retired DO
Lt Cdr Peter Jones

LORD Lieutenant's Cadet for 2012 / 13
POC J Beeney (Herne Bay)

Each recipient was presented with their award by the Lord Lieutenant Voscount De-Lisle personally.

Certificates of Merit are an honour for which a volunteer (Uniformed or Civilian) may be nominated to recieve by their peers or superiors in recognition of outsanding service to the armed forces or Cadet organisations and is second only to an MBE.

The Lord Lieutenants Cadet is awarded annually to the outstanding cadet from each of the three Cadet organisations and they will spend the next year at the invitation of the Lord Lt attending functions and events as escort to the Lord Lt and representing their organisation at senior level within the county.

Kent Branch of the MSSC would like to congratulate the recipients of these honours and thank them for all they do in the county on behalf of the young people we serve.


The Kent Branch were proud to sponsor the Southern Area Sea Cadet Band Contest for the 3rd year running.

Guest of Honour Captain Nigel Palmer OBE MN said the event was a great success. "The standard of musicianship was excellent even from the novice class. It was a pleasure and privilge to be invited and to take the salute".
The event took place at the Historic Dockyard Chatham and Medway Towns Unit provided the Hospitality Marquee.
Among the other guests invited were the Mayor and Mayoress of Medway Councillor Vaughan Hewitt and Mrs Jenifer Hewitt, Deputy Area Offier Major Andy Henderson, Chairman of the Kent Branch Lt Cdr (SCC) Roy Standen RNR RD members of the Kent Branch, Chatham Naval Officers Association.

There were 6 bands in total and results were as follows

Winner Solo Bugler:
Cdt L Cpl H Yarnell ~ Folkestone

Winner Solo Drummer:
AC M Brockwell

Best Drum Major: (All classes)
1st POC J Beeney
2nd Cdt J Marsh

Best Dressed Band : (All classes)
1st Southampton
2nd Reigate
3rd Herne Bay

1st Southampton
2nd Margate
3rd Westerham/Sittingbourne

1st Folkestone
2nd Reigate

1ST Herne Bay


Medway Sea Cadets attended the reception for Her Majesty the Queen at HMS President as part of the Jubilee River Pageant in London on 3rdJune 2012.
Medway Towns Sea Cadet, Petty Officer Cadet Hanna Buckingham and Royal Marine Cadet Lance Corporal Ethan Kitsell were invited by Commander Morgan, Commanding Officer Royal Naval Reserve London to attend the event as representatives of the Sea Cadets.
Unfortunately, the weather caused the planned proceedings at HMS President to be moved to the wet weather routine and so things were a little packed on the main deck as Queen Elizabeth arrived. So the Cadets did not get to meet her personally.
However they proved almost as popular an attraction as the Queen themselves, with lots of senior guests wishing to speak to them during the day. Including Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal, Princess Anne, Prime Minister David Cameron, Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope GCB OBE (First Sea Lord), Major Gen Ed Davis OBE (Commandant General Royal Marines), Admiral George Zambellas DSC (an ex-Captain of HMS Chatham) & several other dignitaries from Commonwealth nations.
Sub Lieutenant (SCC) Buck Buckingham RNR who was their adult escort, also said of the Cadets, "They gave a good account of themselves & represented the Sea Cadets well. Many of the top brass made a bee-line for the Cadets & enjoyed talking to them about their experiences in the Sea Cadets & what they plan to do in the future”.
“I was also told on a number of occasions how impressed Admirals & Vice Admirals were with the 54 T500 boat crew's skill, at maintaining position whilst in a diamond formation. Each one carrying a different flag of the Commonwealth"


For more news about the Kent Branch and Sea Cadet activity in Kent click here

On Saturday 20thand Sunday 22nd April 2012 Medway Towns and Gravesend Sea Cadets joined forces together for a Bi-Athalon to raise funds for their units.
On the Saturday 23 Kayaks and Canoes took to the water on the River Medway covering 26 miles of water. Many of them only novice canoers they paddled their way from Tonbridge to the Malta Inn at Maidstone as the first challenge in a double headed trial of fitness, determination and stamina.
On day 2 Sunday, the Cadets, Staff and Adult supporters got on their bikes at the newly built Gravesend Cyclopark near the A2. They completed 16 laps which was equivalent to slightly over 25 miles.
The weather was kind and the rain held off on both days but each trial was a challenge of mind over matter with the upper body strength being put to the test in the Kayaks and the legs undergoing a severe examination.

In total there were 26 people at the Waterbourne challenge, with most of those taking up the baton on the Sunday too plus a further 28 to make a total of 54 cyclists.
The Area Chairman for Southern Area Sea Cadets, Ivor Riddell who, started the cycle challenge on the Sunday said “this unique fundraising effort reflects that values and ethos of the Sea Cadets having serious fun with a real purpose. The fact that so many people have turned out to take the challenge says volumes for the Sea Cadets and how important it is to those who, become involved”.
Event organizer Chief Petty Officer Steve Baxter from Medway Towns Unit said “I am really proud of the Cadets and Adults who have taken part over the 2 days. Without people like these the Sea Cadets would not be able to achieve half, what it does and provide a real service to the young people across the UK.
PO Triona Mackley who led the Gravesend contingent on water and pedals (we have pictures to prove it) was a key part of the team which made sure it all came together. She was having so much fun peddling round no one had the heart to stop her and so was last seen still cycling on for the charity into the moonlight.
Following a straw poll of the participants once all the pledges are in Medway Towns Sea Cadets will benefit from their efforts to the tune of over £4000. Gravesend estimate their take to be in the region of£2000. So in Total £6000 raised over two days of hard work and fun. A massive success and a triumph of cooperative working between neighbouring Sea Cadet Units.

Commanding Officer of Medway Towns Unit TS Cornwallis, spotted speeding around on a pushbike dressed as a somewhat overheated Tigger said ” the determination of all the cadets to complete the challenge impressed most of all, many of them were novice paddlers and many hadn’t ridden further than the local shops on a bike. But every single one finished and raised a lot of cash for their unit”.

Sittingbourne Sea Cadets were honoured with hosting the Annual West Kent District Trafalgar Parade on Sunday 16th October 2011 through the Town Centre.
Over 150 Sea Cadets and Adult Volunteers from nine units across West Kent joined by units from the Army Cadets and Air Training Corps, came together to commemorate the most influential battle of its age which gave Britain mastery of the Oceans for a further two centuries.

The parade also remembers those who lost their lives, in particular the charismatic and popular commander Admiral Horatio Nelson RN who took part in most of the decisive actions of his day whilst building an almost legendary reputation for being a brilliant and lucky Naval Tactician as well as a fair and loyal commander across all ranks.
The Parade was led by the Combined Band of West Kent Sea Cadets including National Competition Winners Tunbridge Wells.
Guest of honour and taking the salute at the march past was Deputy Lieutenant of Kent Colonel (Retd) Peter Bishop OBE. Also in attendance were the Mayor of Swale Councillor Ben Stokes with the Mayoress Councillor Sylvia Bennett, Gordon Henderson MP, Colonel JD Wilson Commandant Kent Army Cadet Force, Ivor Riddell Area Chairman (South) The Sea Cadets and Lieutenant Commander (SCC) Peter Jones RNR District Officer West Kent Sea Cadets.
The day started with an inspection of all the divisions at the Forum Car Park after which the parade marched down Sittingbourne High Street to St Michaels Church.
Before the start of the Church Service a very special presentation was made by Col Bishop to Lieutenant Commander (SCC) Peter Luxton RNR of the Sea Cadet Medal. A very prestigious national honour; given to very few (only four awarded in 2011) for their meritorious service to the Sea Cadets. Peter has been involved since joining at the age of 12 and has now completed more than 50 years service in various roles which included Commanding Officer of Medway Towns Unit and District Officer for West Kent.
Current Deputy District Officer Lieutenant Steve Small said “Peter has been an immense personality within West Kent and across the whole of Southern Area, having been an oracle for those seeking advice and guidance and an inspirational role model for those wishing to volunteer with the Sea Cadets

Following the Church Service the parade re-mustered and returned via the High Street to the Car Park presenting a formal salute to the Guest of Honour en route.

After the parade was dismissed the VIPs then attended a reception at the Sea Cadets Unit TS Wyvern along with senior Sea Cadet Staff and members of ex service organisations such as the Royal Naval Association and Royal British Legion.

In the words of one Sea Cadet who was in the lead division “Wow that was amazing, I don’t like doing drill that much, but I am really chuffed ‘cos my Mum and Dad were so proud of me and it was just great to be a part of it



Branch Chairman Roy Standen was invited by West Kent Sea Cadets to Join Admiral Sir Ian Garnett (Chairman of the Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust) for a visit to HMS Cavalier and observe cadets in training on board.

The list was a select one which included Chris ledger MBE (a Trustee of The Marine Society & Sea Cadets), Mr Patrick Balfour (Staff Officer, Operations at the MSSC) and Mrs Elaine Craven (President of the Dawn Patrol Rotarians, Maidstone)

They were met by Ivor Riddell (Area Chairman South, Sea Cadets) and then made their way to the ship where the Admiral was pipied aboard by Two Cadets.

The group were then given a verbal presentation on the work carried out on the ship by Sea Cadets and how they work with the Historic Dockyard Trust and the Cavalier Association to provide educational oppportunities not just for the Sea Cadets but other youth groups and schools.

As part of the visit Admiral Garnett also presented to the West Kent District two ships models mounted on plinths and encased. They were presented in memory of his father who served on both the ships and will be presented to the Unit who has completed the most training in the inspection year and the second one to the most outstanding Cadet in the district.

After light refreshments in the Ward Room the guests were taken for a tour of the ships and had an opportunity to talk with Cadets and Adult Staff about the training they were doing. Whilst speaking to a group of Cadets who were in the Captains Office doing Chart Work & Navigation with Lt Cdr Peter ....... When Admiral Garnett asked the why they preferred to learn on board HMS Cavalier than in a normal classroom, one of them responded "because when you do it here it's real and just seems to make sense"

The guests also visited cadets studying other subjects including Communications, First Aid, Cook Steward and Seamanship. 18 of the 22 Cadets passed 1st and 2nd class qualifications and 4 more passed the fist part of 1st class Seamanship.

Lt Mark Gambell ADO Training in West Kent said " I would like to thank the Trust, in particular James Armstrong and Chris Jones for their support and encouragement in helping to make the Sea Cadets use of the facilities within the Dockyard and in particular on board HMS Cavalier a great success which will continue for the foreseeable future"
Click here for pictures of the event


The 3rd Annual General Meeting of the Kent Branch of the Marie Society and Sea Cadets took place on Thursday 4th August 2011. At the Dover Castle Inn, Teynham.

A good number of members turnedup despite it being inn the Holiday Season (due to postponment). The Chairmancarried the meeting through with all business being dealt with in an efficient and timely manner which allowed time for a social gathering afterwards with a very nice hot buffet.

The main points of the meeting were that we needed to apply ourselves to recruiting younger members for the future sustainability of the branch and look at other ways of fundraising.

It was also noted that whilst he applications had been coming in for assistance from the small grants committee, they were not at the levels we would normally expect. Therefore a new campaign to promote the scheme would be discussed at the next Branch meeting.

The Committee stood down en bloc and the new committee for 2011 - 2012 were duly elected. The main change being a new Secretary Mr Joe Ford who has taken over from the founder secretary Ivor Riddell.

The elections were as follows

Mr Roy Standen

Vice Chairman
Mr Peter Puxty

Mr Joseph Ford

Mr Ron Harrop

Small Grants Committee
Captain Eric Beetham
Ms Cathryn Spain
Mr Peter Luxton
Mr Derek Ireland
Mr Peter Puxty
Mr Ivor Riddell

If you are not a member of the MSSC and would like to know more then contact us for more information or visit the national website


Over 100 Sea Cadets and Adult Volunteers congregated at the Historic Dokyard Chatham. On Sunday 19th June 2011 for the Southern Area Band Contest.

For only the second time in living memory the event was held outside Portsmouth following the great success last year it returned to Chatham, where in the spectacular surroundings of the heritage site 6 bands competed for top honours and the chance to represent the Area at the National Finals in Portsmouth.

Kent Branch were pleased to sponsor this event and would like to thank Medway Towns Sea Cadet Unit for their help in providing the marquee and catering for the Guest of Honour his Worship the Mayor of Medway and Admiral of the River Medway Councillor Ted Baker the Mayoress Mrs Sylvia Baker.

Councillor Baker said "it is a privilege to be invited to the contest and see the real potential of young people when they are given the opportunity, inspiration and leadership to shine, instead of hearing the constantly negative image portrayed in the media".

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